Asia Kang — worx

I started to paint religiously when I realized how much art illuminates our emotions. It doesn’t immaculately replicate, but it provides a thin silver lining for all of us to grasp. The human is a fascinating sort, holding kaleidoscopic philosophies, with several cells of spirit and energy streaming through every movement it makes. A painting does not perfectly reflect such essence of a human’s finely crafted ego or mind or heart, but it catches glorifying pieces of it. It serves as a common language for every kind of human, cutting across racial, social, economic, and educational barriers, enhancing cultural appreciation and awareness and allowing us to unify for collaboration. My philosophies are ripples of all the colorful people I meet, and I translate them through my art. It becomes an intimate, yet open space of solace. — Asia Kang

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A lot happens when you stay up late at night.

16 Apr 2015


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