- iPAd Pro has a 12.9 inches.
- A9X chip, with 2x memory bandwidth and 2x storage performance.
- A9X is 1.8x faster than the A8X in the Air 2. “Desktop-class performance,” which Apple says every year.
- 10 hour battery life.
- 4 speakers
- 6.9mm thick compared to 6.1mm for the Air 2.
- 1.57 pounds. Slightly heavier than first iPad.
- It also has an external Keyboard & a fucking Stylus, yeah, a goddamn Stylus.. called Apple Pencil.
- Apple Pencil can be used simultaneously with your finger on the display.
- “Apple Pencil is designed to look and feel like a familiar tool.”
- Apple Pencil has a battery you’ve to recharge once in a while.
- The iPad Pro will cost you: $799 for 32GB, $949 for 128gb, $1079 for 128gb with wi-fi + cellular
- iPad Pencil = $99
- Keyboard = $169
- Available starting November, 2015.

photos by: Verge & Engadged